DATE 2024 - Call for Papers
The DATE conference is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE puts a strong emphasis on both technology and systems, covering ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded systems as well as embedded software.
The three-day event consists of a conference with regular papers, late breaking results papers and extended abstracts, complemented by timely keynotes, special days, focus sessions, embedded tutorials, half-day workshops and multi-partner project sessions. The event will also host the Young People Programme and unplugged sessions fostering the networking and the exchange of information on relevant issues, recent research outcomes and career opportunities.
DATE 2024 is the 27th edition of an event that has always been the place for researchers, young professionals and industrial partners to meet, present their research and discuss the current development and next trends, with high emphasis on social interaction.
DATE 2024 adopts the renewed format that was introduced in 2023. This means that DATE 2024 again uses an intensive three-day format, focussing on interaction as well as further strengthening the community. The vast majority of regular papers will be presented in technical sessions using short flash-presentations, where the emphasis is on poster-supported live interactions (in addition to the common full-length presentation videos available before, during and after the conference). By this, we make sure that the community can actually do what conferences are for: meeting, discussing and exchanging.
- Download the DATE 2024
Call for Papers (web version) here - Download the DATE 2024
Call for Papers (printversion) here
Table of Content
- Submission Key Dates
- The Conference
- Special Days on Emerging Topics
- Unplugged Sessions
- Topic Areas for Submission
- Late Breaking Results
- Committees
- Sponsors
- Submission Instructions
- Camera-Ready and Presentation
- Registration Rule for all accepted papers
- Focus Sessions
- Embedded Tutorials
- Workshops
- Multi-Partner Projects
- Young People Programme
- Information
Submission Key Dates
Submission Instructions | Deadline |
D, A, T and E papers | |
Sunday, 10 September 2023 AoE |
Sunday, 17 September 2023 AoE |
Tuesday, 14 November 2023 AoE |
Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE |
Special Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" (ASD) | |
Saturday, 04 November 2023 AoE |
Saturday, 11 November 2023 AoE |
Sunday, 17 December 2023 AoE |
Late Breaking Results papers | |
Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE |
Wednesday, 10 January 2024 AoE |
Paper presentation videos | Wednesday, 07 February 2024 AoE |
Embedded Tutorials | |
Workshops | |
Focus Session proposals | Monday, 02 October 2023 AoE |
Multi-Partner Projects | |
Sunday, 26 November 2023 AoE |
Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE |
Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE |
Young People Programme | |
Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE |
Sunday, 31 December 2023 AoE |
Wednesday, 31 January 2024 AoE |
Sunday, 25 February 2024 AoE |
Kindly note that all deadline days apply to anywhere on earth (AoE). Deadlines are strict and no extensions will be given.
The Conference
The conference addresses all aspects of re- search into technologies for electronic and (embedded) systems engineering. It covers the design process, test and tools for design automation of electronic products ranging from integrated circuits to distributed large-scale systems. This includes both hardware and embedded software design issues. The conference scope also includes the elaboration of design requirements and new architectures for challenging application fields such as sustainable computing, Internet of Everything, augmented living, secure systems, healthcare and automotive systems. Engineers, scientists and researchers involved in innovative industrial designs are particularly encouraged to submit papers to foster feedback from design to research.
Special Days on Emerging Topics
The scientific research track is complemented by a set of sessions focussing on emerging topics bringing new challenges to the community, with presentations and interactions on interesting and timely issues.
Special Day "Responsible and Robust AI"
AI models have gained significant prominence across various domains in society, particularly in critical applications such as autonomous vehicles, banking, healthcare, and industry. In order to be practically applicable in embedded systems, designers are required to develop responsible and robust AI. This concept has a profound impact on integrating AI into our everyday products. Firstly, since AI will have control over various functionalities, the models must ensure the system's robustness and security. These requirements are essential to ensure proper operation in the presence of faults or attacks. Secondly, the decisions made by AI can be subject to blame or credit. This aspect necessitates substantial efforts in explainability and fairness, which becomes even more complex when dealing with an embedded systems context, to guarantee the algorithm's expected performance.
Within embedded AI, distributed and dynamic machine learning (ML) algorithms hold great significance for implementation on small devices, introducing additional constraints such as implementation precision and low power consumption. These constraints further contribute to the design of responsible and robust AI.
The objective of this Special Day is to showcase the latest advancements in the design and implementation of new models for responsible AI, considering hardware properties. While there will be a specific focus on "distributed ML", the event may also address societal aspects related to responsible AI.

Sebastien Pillement, University of Nantes, FR

Javier Del Ser Lorente, TECNALIA and University of the Basque Country, ES
Special Day "Sustainable Computing"
Energy consumption is a rapidly-increasing concern in the computing ecosystem: as the society relies heavily on computing as a tool for science and engineering, administration, education, and even entertainment, the stark increase in compute-resources demand could make traditional ICT infrastructure unsustainable. Thus, energy efficiency must become a design dimension for computing systems and applications, at all scales. To this end, we must design and deploy sustainable (super)computing systems. Concerted efforts towards sustainable hardware and software systems are the only way to provide energy-efficient algorithms, and thus are mandatory.
Despite the urgency of the problem – also in light of the Europe Green Deal – we lack the methods and tools to build systems that are sustainable by design. We must bring together system designers, tool designers, algorithm designers and domain experts, and policy makers to address the sustainability issues holistically.

Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NL

Andrea Bartolini, University of Bologna, IT
DATE 2024 will also host a timely Special Initiative on:
Autonomous Systems Design
Fueled by the progress of Artificial Intelligence, autonomous systems are increasingly becoming integral parts of many Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) applications, such as automated driving, robotics, avionics, industrial automation and smart systems in general. Autonomous systems are self-governed and self-adaptive systems that are designed to operate in an open and evolving environment, which is not completely defined at design time. This poses a unique challenge to the design and verification of dependable autonomous systems. The DATE Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design will include peer-reviewed papers, special sessions and interactive sessions addressing these challenges.
- Abstract Submission: Saturday, 04 November 2023 AoE
- Full Paper Submission: Saturday, 11 November 2023 AoE
- Acceptance Notification: Sunday, 17 December 2023 AoE
Submission site:
More details and a specific call for contributions can be found online: and in the the Call for Contributions.

Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Dortmund, DE

Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
Unplugged Sessions
DATE Unplugged Sessions on The Twinning Paradigm - Come join us for stimulating brainstorm discussions in small groups about the future of digital engineering. Our focus will be on the digital twinning paradigm where virtual instances are created of a system as it is operated, maintained, and repaired (e.g., one evolving virtual instance of each individual car realized from a single design model). You will actively engage with peers in a stimulating exchange to investigate how we can take advantage of this paradigm in engineering systems and what new system engineering approaches and architectures (hardware/software) and design workflows are needed and become possible.

Pieter Mosterman, Raven Industries, US

Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BE
Topic Areas for Submission
Within the scope of the conference, the main areas of interest are organised in the following tracks. Submissions can be made to any of the track topics.
Track D: Design Methods and Tools, addresses design automation, design tools and hardware architectures for electronic and embedded systems. The emphasis is on methods, algorithms, and tools related to the use of computers in designing complete systems. The track focus includes significant improvements on existing design methods and tools as well as forward-looking approaches to model and design future system architectures, design flows, and environments.
This track is organised in the following topics:
- D1 System Specification and Modelling, Click here for details
- D2 System-Level Design Methodologies and High-Level-Synthesis, Click here for details
- D3 System Simulation and Validation, Click here for details
- DT4 Design and Test for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems, and MEMS, Click here for details
- DT5 Design and Test of Hardware Security Primitives, Click here for details
- DT6 Design and Test of Secure Systems, Click here for details
- D7 Formal Methods and Verification, Click here for details
- D8 Network-on-Chip and on-chip communication, Click here for details
- D9 Architectural and Microarchitectural Design, Click here for details
- D10 Low-power, Energy-efficient and Thermal-aware Design, Click here for details
- D11 Approximate Computing, Click here for details
- D12 Reconfigurable Systems, Click here for details
- D13 Logical Analysis and Design, Click here for details
- D14 Physical Analysis and Design, Click here for details
- D15 Emerging Design Technologies for Future Computing, Click here for details
- D16 Emerging Design Technologies for Future Memories, Click here for details
Track A: Application Design, is devoted to the presentation and discussion of design experiences with a high degree of industrial relevance, real-world implementations, and applications of specific design and test methodologies. Contributions should illustrate innovative or record-breaking design and test methodologies, which will provide viable solutions in tomorrow’s silicon, embedded systems, and large-scale systems. In topic A8, there is the opportunity to submit 2-page papers that expose industrial research and practice.
This track is organised in the following topics:
- A1 Power-efficient and Sustainable Computing, Click here for details
- A2 Smart Cities, Internet of Everything, Industry 4.0, Click here for details
- A3 Automotive Systems and Smart Energy Systems, Click here for details
- A4 Augmented Living and Personalised Healthcare, Click here for details
- A5 Secure Systems, Circuits, and Architectures, Click here for details
- A6 Self-adaptive and Context-aware Systems, Click here for details
- A7 Applications of Emerging Technologies, Click here for details
- A8 Industrial Experiences Brief Papers, Click here for details
Track T: Test and Dependability, covers all test, design-for-test, reliability, and design-for-robustness issues, at system-, chip-, circuit-, and device-level for both analogue and digital electronics. Topics of interest also include diagnosis, failure mode analysis, debug and post-silicon validation challenges, and test or fault injection methods addressing system security.
This track is organised in the following topics:
- T1 Modelling and Mitigation of Defects, Faults, Variability, and Reliability, Click here for details
- T2 Test Generation, Test Architectures, Design for Test, and Diagnosis, Click here for details
- T3 Dependability and System-Level Test, Click here for details
- DT4 Design and Test for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems, and MEMS, Click here for details
- DT5 Design and Test of Hardware Security Primitives, Click here for details
- DT6 Design and Test of Secure Systems, Click here for details
Track E: Embedded Systems Design, is devoted to the modelling, analysis, design, verification and deployment of embedded software or embedded/cyber-physical systems. Areas of interest include methods, tools, methodologies and development environments for real-time systems, cyber-physical systems, networked systems, and dependable systems. Emphasis is, also, on model-based design and verification, embedded software platforms, software compilation and integration for these systems.
This track is organised in the following topics:
- E1 Embedded Software Architecture, Compilers and Tool Chains, Click here for details
- E2 Real-time, Dependable and Privacy-Enhanced Systems, Click here for details
- E3 Machine Learning Solutions for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Click here for details
- E4 Design Methodologies for Machine Learning Architectures, Click here for details
- E5 Design Modelling and Verification for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Click here for details
Late Breaking Results
Following the successful first edition in 2023, DATE 2024 provides the community with an opportunity to present new and exciting contributions for submission as Late Breaking Results (LBR) papers. LBR papers should cover new research relevant to the DATE topics. Two types of papers can be submitted:
- breakthrough approaches or novel orthogonal research directions
- breakthrough results, where sufficient work has been accomplished to indicate the viability of the work
Prospective authors are invited to submit Late Breaking Results papers (2 pages and two-column format) describing original and innovative work. Authors should use the template provided on the DATE website, including author name and affiliation. For creating a successful LBR forum, the LBR submission will be peer reviewed by a wide-scope TPC committee. Accepted LBR submissions will be presented in dedicated technical sessions focussing on live interactions around the submitted work to get feedback and exchange with the DATE community.
Please note that the Late Breaking Results deadline is not an extension of the general paper submission deadline. It should also be noted that accepted Late Breaking Results papers will be published in the DATE proceedings as submitted and are expected to be camera-ready.
Submission site:
Technical Programme Committee, Click here for details.

DATE Representative at ASP-DAC - ACM/SIGDA Liaison
Aida Todri-Sanial, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Click the links below for a full list of the Executive and Programme committee members:
The event is sponsored by the European Design and Automation Association, the Electronic System Design Alliance, the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation and the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation.
In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Community (TTTC), IEEE Solid- State Circuits Society (SSCS) and IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS).
Submission Instructions
All manuscripts for any technical topic of the D, A, T and E tracks must be submitted for review electronically, following the instructions below.
The accepted file format is PDF. Any other format and manuscripts received in hard-copy form will not be processed. All submissions require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results.
Submissions must not exceed 6 pages in length, including references. Submissions in topic A8 (Industrial Experiences Brief Papers) cannot exceed 2 pages in length and must be industrial-centric on both the content and the majority of authors’ affiliations.
WARNING: It is not possible to modify the list and the order of authors once the paper is submitted and the deadline is expired. If the paper is accepted, this information will be the one used for the final publication.
All submitted papers should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 pages or Letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, avoid the use of type-3 fonts. Do not use baseline stretch to compress text. Paper templates are available on the DATE website for your convenience. DATE follows a double-blind review process. To support it, submissions must not include authors' names. In addition, prior work by the same authors should be referenced in full and it should be discussed in such a way that it does not disclose that the work is from the same authors. Any submission that is not in line with the above rules will be discarded. Accepted papers not complying to the above-mentioned formatting instructions will not be included in the conference proceedings. A detailed description of the IEEE authorship guidelines and responsibilities is available here (…).
All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness. The programme committee reserves the right to reorient a submission to an extended abstract.
Submissions simultaneously under review or accepted by another conference, symposium, or journal will be rejected. Submissions for which pre-prints are available (e.g., on arXiv) are allowed, BUT these pre-prints may only be published after the DATE Technical Programme Committee meeting (Tuesday, 07 November 2023 AoE). The authors are expected to follow all reasonable efforts to ensure that the submission is compliant with the double-blind review process.
Scientific Papers (all topics but A8)
DATE seeks submissions of original, unpublished scientific work in one of its four tracks (D, A, T, and E) and 31 topics (for topic A8, see Industrial Experiences Brief Papers); for track and topic list, see Tracks and Topics list.
Scientific Papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness. They require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (max 6 pages) and will be presented in a renewed format of technical sessions focusing on live interactions at the conference (in addition to full-length presentations provided before and after the conference by video ). The Programme Committee reserves the right to accept submissions as extended abstract, i.e., a short summary of the work which will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference, but is limited to 2 pages only.
Manuscript preparation, submission and deadlines
File format: PDF
Maximum number of pages: 6
Double blind review process: manuscripts should not include the author names nor affiliations.
Format: A4 pages or Letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, avoid the use of type-3 fonts. Do not use baselinestretch to compress text. Do not include page numbers. Do not include copyright notice.
Formatting instructions: format.pdf
Templates: Microsoft Word (DOCX, 31 KB) and LaTeX (ZIP, 746 KB) files.
Note: Manuscripts not in line with the above rules might be discarded.
Topic selection: carefully select the most appropriate topic when submitting the paper. For track and topic list, see Tracks and Topics list. When you submit your paper, you will be asked to select a secondary topic (mandatory). Your primary and secondary topic selections will enable the Programme Committee to assign your paper to the best-fitting topic.
Submission site:
Deadlines: The deadline to submit papers is Sunday, 10 September 2023 AoE. For a paper to be considered a valid submission, at least a title, abstract, and the complete list of authors (cannot be modified after Sunday, 10 September 2023 AoE) should be submitted by this date.
The full paper (up to 6 pages) can be submitted at the same time or later, but must be uploaded at the latest by Sunday, 17 September 2023 AoE. Otherwise the initial submission will be automatically withdrawn. Please note that there will not be any additional deadline extensions beyond Sunday, 17 September 2023 AoE.
Notification and Camera-Ready Paper: The contact author of a submitted paper will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her paper by Tuesday, 14 November 2023 AoE. In case of acceptance, authors need to prepare a final, camera-ready manuscript by Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE.
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Double Submissions: submissions that are already under review or accepted by another conference, symposium, or journal will be rejected. The DATE conference will work cooperatively with others to check for these so-called "double-submissions". |
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Authors list: you are not allowed to modify the list of authors after the submission deadline. It is extremely important that you put the full list (in the correct order) when submitting the paper online. If your paper is accepted, you will not be able to modify the authors later on. |
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Registration: It is mandatory that at least one author of each accepted paper attends the session and presents the work. Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the speaker rate (i.e., two speaker registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g. from the main author or a co -author of the paper). An author per paper is expected to attend the session where the paper is discussed, otherwise the paper will be deleted from the proceedings afterwards (despite full payment at the speaker rate). |
For more information, please contact:
Industrial Experiences Brief Papers (only topic A8)
Industrial Experiences Brief Papers (topic A8) target original, unpublished papers covering industrial experiences and case studies. Submissions should relate to industrial research and practice, including: commercial and market trends; future research demand; developments in design automation, embedded software, applications and test; emerging markets; technology transfer mechanisms; on-line testing and fault tolerance for industrial applications. Pure product presentations and announcements are strongly discouraged and will not be considered for publication.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (max 2 pages) and will be presented in a renewed format of technical sessions focusing on live interactions at the conference (in addition to full-length presentations provided before and after the conference by video).
Manuscript preparation, submission and deadlines
File format: PDF
Maximum number of pages: 2
Double blind review process: manuscripts should not include the author names nor affiliations.
Format: A4 pages, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, avoid the use of type-3 fonts since due to conversions by IEEE the original file size will extremely increase in IEEEXplore. Do not include page numbers. Do not include copyright notice.
Formatting instructions: format.pdf
Templates: Microsoft Word (DOCX, 31 KB) and LaTeX (ZIP, 746 KB) files.
Note: Manuscripts not in line with the above rules might be discarded.
Topic selection: carefully select the most appropriate topic when submitting the paper. For track and topic list, see Tracks and Topics list. When you submit your paper, you will be asked to select a secondary topic (mandatory). Your primary and secondary topic selections will enable the Programme Committee to assign your paper to the best-fitting topic.
Submission site:
Deadlines: The deadline to submit papers is Sunday, 10 September 2023 AoE. For a paper to be considered a valid submission, at least a title, abstract, and the complete list of authors (cannot be modified after Sunday, 10 September 2023 AoE) should be submitted by this date.
The full paper (max 2 pages) can be submitted at the same time or later, but must be uploaded at the latest by Sunday, 17 September 2023 AoE. Otherwise the initial submission will be automatically withdrawn. Please note that there will not be any additional deadline extensions beyond Sunday, 17 September 2023 AoE.
Notification and Camera-Ready Paper: The contact author of a submitted paper will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her paper by Tuesday, 14 November 2023 AoE. In case of acceptance, authors need to prepare a final, camera-ready manuscript by Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE.
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Double Submissions: submissions that are already under review or accepted by another conference, symposium, or journal will be rejected. The DATE conference will work cooperatively with others to check for these so-called "double-submissions". |
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Authors list: you are not allowed to modify the list of authors after the submission deadline. It is extremely important that you put the full list (in the correct order) when submitting the paper online. If your paper is accepted, you will not be able to modify the authors later on. |
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Registration: It is mandatory that at least one author of each accepted paper attends the session and presents the work. Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the speaker rate (i.e., two speaker registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g. from the main author or a co -author of the paper). An author per paper is expected to attend the session where the paper is discussed, otherwise the paper will be deleted from the proceedings afterwards (despite full payment at the speaker rate). |
For more information, please contact:
Camera-Ready and Presentation
Authors of accepted papers will prepare the camera-ready version of the paper, adhering to the IEEE proceedings format and will be checked through PDFeXpress. A recorded video presentation of the paper is also required, according to guidelines that will be made available. It should be noted that accepted Late Breaking Results papers will be published as submitted and are expected to be camera-ready, i.e., no separate camera-ready submission will be possible.
Registration Rule for All Accepted Papers
Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the paper author rate (i.e., two paper author registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g., from the main author or a co-author of the paper). DATE is a physically held conference, and not a hybrid conference. Therefore, it is mandatory that at least one author of each accepted paper attends the session where the paper is discussed and presents the work, otherwise the paper will be deleted from the proceedings afterwards (despite full payment at the paper author rate).
Focus Sessions
Focus Sessions can take the form of (1) Panels, discussing visionary and controversial issues or (2) Hot-Topic Sessions, focusing on the introduction and discussion of new R&D problems, addressing trends in the technical domains that are of interest to the conference participants.
Focus Session proposals must consist of an extended summary of up to 1,500 words in a PDF file, describing the topic, the authors/speakers and the format and must be submitted at by Monday, 02 October 2023 AoE. The submitter of a Focus Session proposal will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her proposal by Tuesday, 14 November 2023 AoE. In case of acceptance, contributors of accepted Focus Sessions will be asked to submit final texts or statements of panellists, as appropriate, for publication in the proceedings as final, camera-ready manuscripts by Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE. Panel sessions are entitled to one (1) page per panellist in the proceedings; Hot-Topic Sessions are allocated a maximum of six (6) pages paper per speaker or one single paper for the entire session which should not exceed ten (10) pages. As a rule of thumb, no more than four speakers per session should be planned for Hot-Topic Sessions. For the accepted Focus Sessions, it is the responsibility of the Focus Session organiser(s) to ensure that the Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE deadline is met and all the camera-ready manuscripts from their respective Focus Sessions are technically sound and meet the editorial standards of the DATE proceedings. The Focus Session Co-Chairs may decline the publication of the final manuscripts in the DATE proceedings if the above responsibility is not fulfilled. Accepted or invited speakers to the Focus Sessions will be required to register for the conference.
Further Instructions for Focus Session Submissions
In addition to the above-stated important instructions, e.g. w.r.t. author list and double submissions, please adhere to the following:
Session Chair/Co-Chair: Every special session submission must name a chair and a co-chair; the chair and the co-chair are responsible for the preparation of the session and for the monitoring of the session; they cannot be selected among the moderators/panelists, or speakers/presenters.

Olivier Sentieys, University of Rennes, INRIA, FR
Further Focus Sessions will concentrate fully on the industrial perspective and are intended as a platform for DATE conference sponsors to present their work. For more information, please contact:

Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
Embedded Tutorials
DATE 2024 tutorial sessions are designed to provide audiences with an introduction to important topics in the DATE technical areas as well as hands-on tutorials on design automation tools. Early career professionals as well as graduate students will benefit from the introductory knowledge about important topics and tools. Mid-career professionals can attend tutorials to extend their horizons. Embedded tutorials will be 90-minute sessions "embedded" within the 3-day programme of DATE. We welcome proposals for tutorial presentations in the DATE technical areas. Proposals need to be submitted online before Monday, 02 October 2023 AoE Friday, 17 November 2023 AoE, via the DATE submission website
Technical tutorials on selected topics will be given by leading experts in their respective fields. The submission should motivate the topic and its relevance for both academia and industry, specify whether it covers foundational topics or cutting-edge ones, describe the target audience (expected type of attendees? expected number? match with typical DATE audience?), the reason for a tutorial (why a tutorial, why now). Hands-on tutorials are welcomed. Moreover, the submission should include a brief abstract with a list of learning objectives, and a clear planning hereto (organisation in sessions, possible speakers, what will be done to attract the audience), and the DATE topic to which it is more closely related. We target few top-quality well-attended tutorials. In particular, we look for hands-on and tutorials on fundamentals which should clearly identified in the proposal. Extended conference talks will not be accepted as tutorials. Marketing of company tools are not accepted either.
A tutorial submission example is available here for download.
The tutorial organiser(s) will be notified of acceptance or rejection of submissions by Tuesday, 14 November 2023 AoE Tuesday, 21 November 2023 AoE. In case of acceptance, final information about the tutorial structure (confirmed speakers, final abstract, final agenda) must be provided by Wednesday, 17 January 2024 AoE. Tutorial hand-out material (e.g. consisting of all slides and perhaps also background reading material) needs to be uploaded as a single PDF or ZIP file at the DATE website by Friday, 15 March 2024 AoE. The hand-out material will be available to tutorial attendees only!
For more information, please contact:

Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
Kindly note that DATE 2024 Tutorials will be held in-person, alongside the main conference activities (Valencia, Spain, 25 - 27 March 2024) – hands-on content is encouraged.
DATE invites proposals for half-day workshops on emerging research and application topics in design, application, test, and embedded systems. Topics that are not directly covered in the DATE technical programme but represent new research directions with potential impact on future DATE technical areas are strongly encouraged and thus particularly welcome. As with the 2023 novel format, DATE Workshops will be integrated into the 3-day schedule of DATE and thus will be open for attendance to all DATE registered attendees. For information and detailed descriptions on how to propose a workshop, please refer to the DATE website. Proposals should be submitted electronically by Monday, 02 October 2023 AoE Friday, 17 November 2023 AoE, via the DATE submission website
Kindly note that we have reached the maximum to receive submissions for workshops. The workshop submission is therefore closed early. Thank you for your understanding.
For more information, please contact:

Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY
Kindly note that DATE 2024 Workshops will be held via physical presence, alongside the main conference activities (Valencia, Spain, 25 - 27 March 2024).
Multi-Partner Projects
The DATE 2024 programme will include sessions dedicated to multi-partner innovative and/or highly-technological research projects addressing the DATE 2024 topics. This includes projects funded by EU schemes (Horizon Europe, EIC, H2020, ECSEL, PENTA, MSCA, COST, CleanSky, …), nationally- and regionally-funded projects, projects funded by the European Space Agency and collaborative research projects funded by industry. The session is an excellent opportunity to present projects’ contributions to the DATE community and increase the impact of dissemination and outreach activities.
Project coordinators are invited to submit their contribution presenting the concepts, work in progress, or lessons learned from the project, either in the form of a full paper or a one-page abstract. Submissions will be (not blind) peer-reviewed and must be submitted before Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE via the DATE submission website Accepted contributions will be published in the DATE 2024 proceedings.
For more information please contact:

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
Projects can also showcase their vision, activities and outcomes benefitting from DATE's high visibility and networking assets, by exploiting further project dissemination options; for more information please contact:

Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
Young People Programme
The Young People Programme is an initiative targeting Masters/PhD students and early-stage researchers with the goal of increasing their visibility, establishing contacts and encouraging discussion about future perspectives and upcoming research initiatives. The programme includes various events.
All these activities, PhD Forum, Careers Fair – Industry, Design Contest and Student Teams Fair as well as Careers Fair – Academia and University Fair, will be held in-person, to allow a strong participation and interaction, in a format offering networking and connection opportunities.
Sponsorship of Attendance
As a Young People Programme (YPP) Participant, you will receive a free DATE 2024 full-conference registration*. The DATE 2024 Young People Programme is funded by generous support from participating companies and CEDA.
Applicants must be full-time students in EDA, microelectronics, or an adjacent field. If accepted, you must commit to actively participating in the programme in Valencia, Spain 25 - 27 March 2024. Participation includes attending YPP events, especially industry and academic career fairs as well as DATE 2024 sessions. We welcome students from all over Europe and from all backgrounds. A jury will carefully review the applications and select DATE 2024 YPP participants. We especially welcome applications from Women and underrepresented groups.
Timeline and tentative program:
- Application deadline: Sunday, 31 December 2023 AoE
- Acceptance notification: Friday, 12 January 2024 AoE
- DATE Opening Keynote and Young People Programme Activities: Monday, 25 March 2024
- DATE Conference: 25 - 27 March 2024
In order to apply for the sponsorship, follow the link and fill out and submit the form.
*If your application gets accepted, you will receive a personalised registration link from the conference organisation. If you are not selected, you may register via the online registration form.
For more information, please go to and/or please contact:

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Anton Klotz, Cadence Design Systems, DE

Marina Saryan, Synopsys, AM
PhD Forum
The PhD Forum is a poster session hosted by EDAA, ACM SIGDA and IEEE CEDA for PhD students who have completed their PhD thesis within the last 12 months or who are close to completing their thesis work. It represents an excellent opportunity for them to get feedback on their research and for the industry to get a glance of the state of the art in system design and design automation. Proposals can be submitted via the DATE submission website until Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE. For more information, please go to and/or please contact:

Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, IT

Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE
Careers Fair – Industry & Student Teams Fair & Design Contest
Careers Fair - Industry: is a platform where students (PhD and Master) and early career researchers connect with EDA and micro-electronics industries. A dedicated session allows to hear from sponsors about their companies, ongoing activities, and work culture. The Careers Fair - Industry session includes a keynote on career opportunities in a certain field of microelectronics and a panel session where Young Professionals talk about start of their careers in the industry and start-ups. Before the conference, jobseekers can attend a seminar on how to present themselves effectively to HR representatives, as well as to apply to open positions through the same online portal. That can lead to interviews arranged during DATE Conference.
Student Teams Fair: The Student Teams Fair aims at bringing together University Student Teams involved in international competitions and personnel from EDA and microelectronic companies. The Teams have the opportunity to present their activities, success stories and challenges, and to receive funding and support by the companies for their future activities. Submissions must be done before Sunday, 31 December 2023 AoE via the DATE submission website and must include:
- name of the team
- target competitions (e.g., RoboCup, CaroloCup)
- team members (in order from the most likely to attend DATE, not more than 5 team members will be sponsored)
- success stories and results at latest competitions
- challenges and opportunities for cooperation with the sponsoring companies.
For further info please contact yppdate-conference [dot] com. It is expected to have a broad audience of students, graduates, early researchers, and Ph.D. students attending DATE 2024's Young People Programme in order to provide them with the current professional and career opportunities within the technological field.
Design Contest: invites student groups to participate in a design contest. The topic of the design contest will be announced later at link. Preliminary workshops will be offered for preparing the groups for the final contest during the DATE. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, 31 January 2024 AoE.
For more information, please contact:

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Anton Klotz, Cadence Design Systems, DE

Marina Saryan, Synopsys, AM
Careers Fair – Academia & University Fair
University Fair: is an extension to the previous University Booth program and channel to foster the transfer of mature academic work to a large audience. Interested research academics are invited to submit a 1-page abstract description of their precommercial research results and prototypes. Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their work and demonstrate their prototype live during demonstration sessions.
Submission deadline is Sunday, 03 December 2023 AoE Friday, 22 December 2023 AoE at the DATE submission website
Careers Fair – Academia: is a channel to prepare for the future of academic career for younger academic enthusiasts and advertise new and upcoming research initiatives with academic open positions to a large audience for established academics. Interested established academics are invited to submit a 1-page abstract description of their new research plans and the respective open position(s). Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their research openings. They are also invited to post a flyer of their opening(s) on the “Jobs Wall” and HiPEAC portal.
Submission deadline is Sunday, 25 February 2024 AoE.
For more information, please contact:

Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE and Leiden University, NL

Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE

Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
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